Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Cancel Recurring Payment for Flyvpn?

The reccurring payment was set for who demands for flyvpn in a long-term.You can cancel reccurring payment yourself in paypal if you are short-time users. I will guide you with the following words and pictures,follow me:

Fisrtly, log in your paypal account. Then open accordingly "My account"-"Profile"-"Financial info"-"update". 
Cancel auto-payment for flyvpn step1

Secondly, there is a list of companies that you have subscribed. Found out "FLYVPN INC" then click it.
Cancel auto-payment for flyvpn step2

Thirdly, your subscription details for flyvpn appeares. Click "Cancel" as showed in the following picture.
Cancel auto-payment for flyvpn step3
The last but one, a warning window pops up. click "Yes".(Please be sure you don't need recurring payment any more)

Cancel auto-payment for flyvpn step4
Lastly, You have canceled "recurring payment"successfully and no more auto payments will be made without your agreement.

Cancel auto-payment for flyvpn step5

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